Boo! I haven't been posting for a while. Crisis + lazy time. Anyway, since summer is already here. I will be posting more frequently. (Hopefully, things can go crazy during summer too.)
This picture is not really a picture per se. It is part of my Strategic Thinking Paper for a marketing class. The concept here is supposed you are a product what do you have to sell. I made this crudely at 1am in the morning so it is not refined. Anyway, I think Thinking of Yourself as a whole product is an interesting concept. Something you can sketch up in your free time to keep for reference. It doesn't have to be fancy. Just a pile chart should do. I just went crazy with this one. (Your judgement is a little off at one 0'clock in the morning.)
Oh, in case you decide to make yours too, feel free to share it here. I want to know what other people put in theirs too.
DISCLAIMER: I am not thinking that I'm great or anything but, as a whole product, you sell what you can. ;)
I have been thinking that there are so many products with 'i' lately (especially when walking around Target). You are one of them !!
"ไอ้" เป๋า 555
Good start brings you to good places na ja...
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